Where do true brits order childcare goods online?
Where do true brits order childcare goods online?
We know that Lithuanians already discovered shopping abroad.
And we know that quality childcare products from abroad are in big demand here.
Naturally, we want the best for our small (or not-that-small) ones.
However, it is not always easy to know whether products offered are good or not.
Fortunately, UK magazine Which? recently asked their readers – where do they buy childcare goods online.
Want to know what shops UK locals like (or not really) and why?
Which shops have best variety of products? And which of them have good prices?
See below.
Short summary:
Uk locals like Amazon (and Amazon Marketplace) for widest range of goods.
Best prices could be found on Amazon, Kiddicare, Tesco, Ebay & Asda.
Interestingly enough, brits are not that impressed with prices from some sites that are rather popular in Lithuania – ToysRUs, Boots and ELC. They also consider John Lewis prices to be only “average”.
The full list of best and worst baby and child online shopping websites 2014
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