
Same Day Local Parcel Delivery

Thinking of shopping from abroad?
But you are afraid the delivery will take ages and it will be super expensive?

That’s why we introduced EshopWedrop and the Same Day Local delivery service!

EshopWedrop, is an international delivery company based in Vilnius that gives you the chance to shop from abroad and have your parcels delivered to your home in Lithuania!

This is how EshopWedrop works:

  1. You shop form any online store you want in Europe & USA
  2. On the check out use the EshopWedrop Delivery address that you can find on your account today
  3. Our Team will receive your parcel and arrange its delivery to your home or any other place you prefer in Lithuania!


Want your parcel delivered fast? EshopWedrop in collaboration with the ZitiCity courier makes international delivery faster by giving you the chance to receive your parcel the

  • Same Day if you live in Kaunas, Vilnius and Klaipeda

and upon you parcel has arrived to our Vilnius Warehouse!

How much the Same Day Delivery costs? 

Promo Offer!!! The price for the Same Day Delivery starts* from as little as EUR 2.79, for the same tariffs like picking it up from the Vilnius warehouse, but without the hustle and bustle of having to drive to our Flagship! Sounds good right?

When should I place my order to receive my parcel Same Day?

Upon your parcel’s arrival on our warehouse in Lithuania, you can have it delivered to your place with Same Day delivery if you live in Kaunas, Vilnius and Klaipeda and only if you place your order on your EshopWedrop account and by the following time:

  • Vilnius by 3:30 PM each business day
  • Kaunas and Klaipeda by 10:30 AM each business day

Please note that parcels can be delivered on the same day, until up to 8:00 PM. Therefore, we kindly ask you to use an appropiate address, so that your parcels get to you promptly and safely between these hours. Orders placed after the time above will be delivered next business day, still very good, we know! J

Why to choose ZitiCity for my local parcel delivery?

EshopWedrop has launched a collaboration with the ZitiCity team in order to have your parcels delivered to you fast and cost effective! By selecting ZitiCity as your local delivery option you have:

  • Real-time tracking – You will get an SMS with the link to see the estimated time of delivery.
  • Enjoy consolidation savings – you will be able to consolidate more parcels into one delivery, saving time and money
  • Low delivery cost -  For a limited time only (T&Cs apply), receive your parcel with delivery cost starts from just EUR 2.79, for the same tarifs like picking up your parcel from our Vilnius warehouse!

Join EshopWedrop for FREE today!

Registering on EshopWedrop it’s completely FREE and it only takes a couple of minutes!

*Terms & Conditions
The ZitiCity Same Day local delivery price starting from just EUR 2.79, the same tariffs as the Flagship tariffs is a promotional offer, available from 01/09/2020 to 31/10/2020 and only for deliveries to the cities of Kaunas, Klaipėda or Vilnius. Upon this day, delivery prices will be updated to EUR 2.5 (VAT Included) on top of the Flagship tariffs per order. You can calculate your delivery price at any time here. To qualify to Same Day Delivery with ZitiCity your parcel should not exceed the following limits: 43x43x100cm and 20kg actual weight. For orders consolidating more parcels the max volume of all parcels should not exceed 0.2cbm.

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